Carl Heaton

Carl Heaton

Chief Executive Officer
American Capital Group

I was impressed by Sherpa’s unique solution to what they call Workflow Pain—the stress and inefficiencies that occur when individuals and organizations struggle to deal with information overload, managing email and other commitments, and staying on top of projects. After following up and doing my own due diligence, I contracted with Sherpa Performance Guides to guide me and my entire Leadership Team at ACG through The Sherpa Program.

The Sherpa Program has helped me and my team to reduce our Workflow Pain. Without a doubt, the program has increased my efficiency and effectiveness as a CEO. Sherpa has given me a powerful system that allows me to be more strategic and direct my focus to the big projects and initiatives. At the same time, The Sherpa Program has provided me with a vehicle to quickly clear action items off of my plate and maintain momentum on projects without barraging my team members. As a result, I have cut in half the length of my weekly one-to-one meetings with my leadership team members. This has been empowering for them because it gives them more time to focus on executing. And it has freed me up to concentrate on the critical business decisions that keep us ahead of our competition.

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